Where unicorns exist & dreams come true

earth school - Welcome to our signature programme, Earthschool, for simple authentic living, offers a gateway to self-discover & energetic alignment. A beautiful pathway back to your sovereignty, to connected living through simple, visceral pathways. Discover the inspiration for this programme in the video opposite & try a shorter but rich journey earth school Foundations & right now is TOTALLY FREE! Also available a beautiful Women's Wellness pathway to inner & outer balance, shine & harmony. To be even more amazing than you already are! And NEW to earthschool is Wild Wolf Wisdom for Resilience & Aligned Living! For each programme sold we make a donation to Tree Sisters

Yoga Alliance Accredited for Continued Education

Creating Authentic Roots

Dive deeper into your roots and open doors of possibility within. Trust, love, fly without wings & kiss the earth with your steps. Earth school creates bridges from ancient practices to modern living. Discover more here . For every programme bought we make a donation to the charity Tree Sisters


earth school foundation provides insight, alignment, guidance and tools to connect to Self & find balance even in the face of challenge. It is about coming back to what is essential, authentic. We explore the basics of the chakra & element fondations that sit at the heart of who you are. From theory to practice. This programme is currently FREE you just need to sign up to earthschool!

Earthschooling Simple authentic living

Connect energetically and physically to yourself, find your path & do so in harmony with the tools that surround you. It is not about adding to your work load but enhancing what you are doing. Welcome to your journey back to you. Energies & Chakras, the elements & the whispers of the soul are waiting for you.

Women's Wellness & Holstic Health

Holistic healing is a natural approach that takes not account your body, mind & spirit. This is a practical programme of hormonal rebalancing & radiance for women of all ages. Rediscover the natural resources within & join this beautiful journey to cultivate inner harmony & outer radiance. We are waiting to journey with you.

Why join earth school?

We are blessed – remember why you came here and remember your life is sacred as a child of the universe…. as a Goddess on this earth.

Have you ever wondered what the chakras really mean? How do they really resonate in you, in the 21st Century? How do they connect to the elements, the seasons, your life? This online coaching programme offers guidance towards creating simple connections & a bridge between ancient, sacred rituals & modern living. This is your way to keep a hand in society and the heart in the divine.  Find out more

CURRENT OFFERS : EarthSchool Foundations ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!!!!

Depending on the programme you choose

  • Video based coaching sessions
  • Yoga & Meditation Practices
  • Access to the private Facebook group
  • Access to live monthly group sessions
  • Integrated Workbooks
  • Lifetime access to all content
  • Exclusive offers for all programmes

Discover our programmes here


Charlotte Saint Jean, author, mother, light warrior, yoga teacher and eco traveller….. Or somewhere between entrepreneur & witch.

“These programmes have been living in my bones for many years & the past few years have been a well of inspiration & creativity to be able to manifest these paths. Welcome back to discovering your sovereignty”

You can discover more about Charlotte her retreats, coaching, books and teacher trainings here. 

The earth school programmes are accredited 50 hour programmes with the Yoga Alliance. Les programmes earth school sont accrédité en tant que formation additionnelle de 50 heures auprès de Yoga Alliance

About earth school

earth school is a creation from the heart, a passion for following the path of the seasons & the ancestral messages of the universe. Allow the forests to bathe you, the earth to nourish you, the waters to wash over and the winds to guide you. Then learn how you can serve & give back. For each course sold we make a donation to Envol Vert – to replant the forests

Whispers from the earth - Sacred Messages

Yoga & Rituels des 9 déesses (ed. Jouvence)

Honorer vos déesses pour activer vos ressources intérieures et créer sa vie

En tant que femme sur cette terre vous êtes invitée à élever votre vibration, à ancrer votre connexion  à la terre, et à la nature – 9 déesses qui offrent un lien avec la nature, les éléments à votre énergie. Ces déesses sont de puissantes ressources intérieures, pour vous aider à réveiller le « sacré » en vous, et à l’incarner au quotidien.

Yoga, Rituels, Méditations, Visualisations pour semer dans vos cellules sauvages un peu de sagesse ou un peu de sagesse dans votre sauvage

Achetez un copie de son livre ici

Yoga & Rituels des 9 déesses (ed Jouvence) en vente ici


Yoga- Rayonner sa Puissance au Féminin (ed. Eyrolles)

C’est l’histoire d’un fille, c’est l’histoire d’une femme.

Ce livre de Charlotte Saint Jean est sorti en mars 2019 et forme une bonne fondation pour tous ceux et celles qui cherchent à aller plus loin dans la découverte des chakras, des éléments et leur relation avec le yoga, la méditation et les rituels pour soi.

Vous pouvez acheter son livre ici et découvrir vous même des pratiques solaires, lunaires, terre, eau, feu, air et ether….

Trouver l’harmonie, s’aimer telle que l’on est, réveiller l’énergie des déesses en soir…. et rayonner!


Yoga – Rayonner sa puissance au féminin (ed Eyrolles) en ventre ici


Do you need to ask a question?

Is there a question burning inside you just waiting for an answer?